Essay, Research Paper: Pygmalion

Book Reports

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In this day of repressive, unsavory humanity, where the young idolize the lower
classes, while the politically correct look down upon the elite, every household
should have a copy of this timeless tale. Although many scorn the elite, it is
they who preside over society. This book is as entertaining as it is
provocative. Often these two qualities do not harmonize, but in Pygmalion they
are conjugal. With its inclusion of religious issues, gender issues, social
issues, family issues, and other essential issues, Pygmalion is indeed a
masterpiece. The way the author exemplifies how poorly the “lower class” are
treated is poignant. Since it is her speech and common manner that presents Liza
as "lower class", when Higgins offers to help her in this area, it is
unquestionably an enchanting proposal to her. At first, owed to Higgins
relentless approach upon their first encounter on Wimpole Street, Liza is
reluctant to accept his offer. Treatment of this sort would certainly give rise
to doubt by any individual. Higgins is essentially an overgrown, socially
maladjusted adolescent with an intermittent dash of brilliance; he's not
charming at all. I find pompously righteous characters like Higgins to add
character to any story. Nonetheless, her inspiration, to possibly be passed as a
duchess at the upcoming Embassy Ball, prompts Liza to accept; or maybe it is
just a path out of the streets for her. In any case, as Shaw often puts it
"Speech is the decipher of classes, not birth or position." Shaw's
insinuation that anyone can ascend to the upper levels of society by putting on
a new accent and nice clothes is brilliant. Liza’s transformation from
“guttersnipe” to refined society girl lends hope to the common lower class
community. I found her parlor "audition" with Mrs. Higgins to be
highly amusing. Indeed I would not want to find myself in that predicament, yet
graceful, dignified Mrs. Higgins takes a liking to her just the same. The
associated scene at the racetrack in “My Fair Lady” is humorous as well. To
see the embarrassment in Higgins face, as Liza coaxes the horses on, is
priceless. Throughout the story, the reader appreciates the disposition of
Colonel Pickering. This fellow linguist of Higgins’ is portrayed as his
antithesis; a gentle man cordial enough to treat a common flower girl as a
human, not just a mere venture. Peculiar, however, is the fact that the
personalities of these two men are agreeable, and the two seem to readily
affiliate with one another. Doolittle presents us with a sort of in-between
character. His manner is further refined than that of his daughter, yet he still
lacks the polished or distinguished personas of Higgins and Pickering. From his
initial introduction in the story, it is rather difficult to take a liking to
his character. It is apparent that he cares very little about the welfare of his
own daughter. He is more interested in obtaining a little compensation for
lending her to Higgins. However, when Higgins turns the tables and tries to give
her back, he changes his tune a bit. In the movie, though, I was more partial to
his character. His silly-hearted demeanor was enjoyable to witness. In the end,
to imagine the epitome of his anguish dealing with upheaval to a wealthy life is
a bit comical, poor soul. As the story progresses, the relationship between
Higgins and Liza gradually takes on new structure. As Liza advances in her
self-confidence and realizes that this man treats everyone with indifferent
contempt, Higgins seems to greater appreciate her existence. He more or less
welcomes her retorts. Much of the humor incorporated in this story revolves
around the squabbles between these two characters. At times, I felt persuaded to
believe that they would end up marrying. Higgins’ mockery of Freddy was
certainly an indication of this. He is seemingly jealous when Liza takes an
interest in Freddy. I would not have come to this conclusion had I initially
watched the movie. This may be related, in part, to the appearance of Mr.
Higgins. I am well aware that my inference is shallow, but the beauty of Liza
far surpasses that of Higgins. The underlying query right through the story is
“will she or won't she pass the final test of society?” However, “what
will happen to her after” is also profoundly significant in the mind of Liza,
as well as in the mind of the reader. I was astonished when Liza chooses to
leave the comforts offered to her by Higgins and Pickering. This, in fact, is a
remarkable display of her newfound confidence. For her to go out into the world
alone, rather than offer Higgins the satisfaction of her dependence on him, is
commendable. Her return to Wimpole Street in the movie was, therefore, a little
disappointing to me. In short, Pygmalion is a one of a kind story that deserves
a place of honor on every bookshelf. It expresses how something as simple as a
person's accent can determine his or her social status and economic
opportunities. The concluding argument, between compassion (Liza) and logic
(Higgins) in human relations, suits the story entirely.

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